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The content that we produce is and will always be, FREE for all our readers.
We aim to provide quality and checked content relating to news, what´s on and events happening in Spain.
We compile and publish free information guides for all those interested in visiting or living in Spain.
Our content is focused on providing you with the accurate and up-to-date information that you need on all aspects of life in and about Spain.
Our vision remains, as it has been since the outset – to provide an English-Speaking news and information platform for the international community.
If you would like to support our work and vision your donation will help us to realize this with more content and relevant articles.
In additon your donation will contribute to provide ongoing professional training and recognised credit to young writers as the first step on their career.
Donations are secure through paypal which go through to our company account in the UK.
We acknowledge all donations and add you to the news database to keep you regularly informed of all the latest developments in Spain unless you specify otherwise.
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Thank you for supporting our work.