Madrid Dana Aftermath – Residents Urged To Make Claims

Madrid is recovering from the 24 hours of deluge that brought an estimated 120 litres of water per square metre to the Madrid region and caused widespread disruption.

The regional emergency 112 services confirmed that they delt with over 1,800 life threatening incidents including nearly 1300 fire brigade callouts.

The worst affected part of the Madrid region was to the south where the municipalities of Aldea del Fresno and Villamanta were badly hit.

Two motorsits were reported missing presumed dead as their vehicles were swept into the overflowing Alberche river.

The Madrid regional premier, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, called on the central government to declare the area a disaster zone to aid the recovery process.

There was also wider disruption across the region this morning to the transport infrastructure with 4 metro lines closed and delays on the overland commuter Cercanias rail network and the M30 and M40 motorways.

Although the storm has now passed and Madrid recovering back to normal, the Spanish consumer association, OCU has advised residents affected by the flash flooding and damage to property to make their insurance claims as quickly as possible.
According to a spokesperson, the claims should be made within 7 days of the damage occuring.


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