Heartbroken Zoo Chimp Finally Lets Go Of Stillborn Baby

A heartbroken mother chimpanzee has finally parted ways with the mummified remains of her infant baby seven months after it died at a Spanish zoo.

Chimpanzee Natalia had been carrying her baby’s corpse around with her since February this year and her grief made headlines around the world.

BIOPARC Valencia Zoo said in a statement obtained by Newsflash on 1st October that Natalia had finally let go of the tiny corpse on 21st September.

The statement said: “After her infant’s death, the chimpanzee Natalia entered a mourning period, carrying the body for several months.

“This behaviour has been documented in chimpanzee groups in their natural habitat.

Picture shows the sad mourning of a chimpanzee mother in the Bioparc of Valencia, Spain. She has been carrying the corpse of her baby in her arms for months. (Bioparc Valencia/Newsflash)

“At BIOPARC, it was decided not to intervene for the mother’s wellbeing and to let her mourn for as long as necessary, supporting her innate behaviour and that of the entire group.

“Throughout these months, the team of specialists at BIOPARC has closely monitored Natalia’s and the group’s behaviour and wellbeing, observing that their integration and interactions have remained completely normal.

“These events were openly communicated to park visitors, most of whom empathised with the situation and appreciated being informed.

“End of the mourning period: on Saturday, 21st September, Natalia left her deceased infant’s body, which was then recovered by the animal care team. In this way, the mourning came to a completely natural end.

“After this event, Natalia continues to socialise excellently with all members of the group, who have supported her throughout, particularly with Noelia and her 8-month-old infant Cala.



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