How To Best Prepare For A University Entrance Exam In Spain
It’s no secret that the competition to get into the top Spanish universities is fierce. To give yourself the best chance, it’s important to prepare in advance for all your exams and tests.
Study In Spain reports Spain to be an attractive study destination. The country offers many degree programs to choose from, a well-organized educational system, and excellent academic expertise.
Spain has 80 universities, of which the majority are public universities funded by the state. Students at these universities enjoy many advantages, including good weather, a fun-packed lifestyle, and lucrative employment opportunities.
In this blog post, we will tell you how you can best prepare for a university entrance exam in Spain and manage your stress before the test.
Understand the Exam Format and Content
The format of an exam is the way it’s organized and presented. To understand how to best prepare for a university entrance exam in Spain, you need to know what kind of questions are asked, how long they take, and what types of answers are expected.
The content refers to the specific material that will be covered during the exam.
The Local reported recently that the Spanish government had made significant changes to the pattern of its university exams. These changes included more focus on academic maturity, no stand-alone foreign language test, and fewer tests altogether.
The changes reduced the number of mandatory tests for entrance by almost half and are designed to encourage critical thinking.
Create a Study Schedule
It’s important to create a study schedule that allows you to study in small, manageable chunks. This will help keep you motivated and avoid burnout. You should also be able to stick with your plan, even when things get busy or stressful.
Develop a study plan that covers all of the topics on the exam and allows enough time to review and practice before the test. Make sure to allocate enough time for each subject, and avoid cramming at the last minute (and possibly forgetting some important details).
Use Quality Study Materials
The best study materials are those that are up-to-date and easy to understand. They should also be available online, so you can access them from anywhere. This is where platforms like SweetStudy come to your rescue.
SweetStudy ( is an online learning platform that offers comprehensive study materials to help students prepare for university entrance exams. The platform covers a wide range of subjects, including math, science, literature, and social sciences, and provides interactive practice questions, video lessons, and study plans to help students improve their understanding of the material.
Many online platforms also offer personalized progress tracking and analytics, allowing students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and prioritize subjects accordingly. Additionally, they provide access to experienced tutors who can provide individualized assistance and answer students’ questions.
Practice, Practice, Practice
The best way to prepare for an exam is to practice as much as possible. The more you do it, the more comfortable and familiar with the process you’ll be on test day.
Practice makes perfect. Use your time wisely by practicing with actual exam materials that are very similar to what will be in the real thing, including length and format. For example:
- Use official past papers or sample tests online if available. Otherwise, print out a copy of last year’s paper (if available) from another country or region where they use a similar language or standardized tests such as IELTS.
- Practice using timers so that when taking real exams, you know how long each section should take based on how fast you can read through questions.
- Practice under different conditions, such as in different places (at home vs. public library), with different people, etc.
Seek Support
The most important thing to do is seek support. You’ll need to talk over your concerns with someone who has been through this process before, and the best way to do that is by asking for help from those around you: your family and friends, teachers and tutors, or even a professional counselor.
Yes, you read that right. Some professionals specialize in helping students prepare for these exams (known as “coaches”), and they can be hired for hourly rates or by paying an upfront fee for their services. While some people may balk at hiring someone else when there are free resources available online or through their school, others find that having someone there just listening helps alleviate stress levels considerably.
Test Yourself Beforehand
An important part of any university entrance exam is the practice test. This is a good way to see how much you still need to learn about the exam and what you can do better next time.
If possible, try taking a practice exam before your actual university entrance exam day arrives. This way, if there are questions on the real test that were not covered in class or by other sources of study material such as books or online articles (which often happen), then at least those gaps won’t come as such a surprise when they show up during real testing conditions.
Manage Stress
According to, 36.5% of college students in the U.S. say that stress has been the biggest reason their academic performance suffered in the past 12 months. Additionally, 29.5% felt anxiety to be the biggest hindrance in performing their best in college. Finals and mid-term exams account for the top source of stress for students, with 31% of students reporting being stressed during that time.
Stress is a normal part of the university entrance exam process. You will be studying hard, interacting with other students and teachers, and taking tests. It’s important to manage your stress levels so that they don’t hinder your performance on these exams.
Here are some tips:
- Take a break from studying now and then – Even if you’re not feeling stressed out yet, taking some time off can help prevent it later on in the process when things get more intense. Remember that this is supposed to be fun.
- Get plenty of sleep – Sleep plays an essential role in our mental health. When we don’t get enough sleep, our brains become foggy and unable to focus properly on tasks at hand (this includes studying for exams). Make sure that when preparing for exams, you’re getting enough rest each night so that everything goes smoothly come test day.
- Healthy eating habits – Junk food isn’t just bad for your waistline. Eating unhealthy foods increases blood sugar levels, which causes the release of stress hormones like cortisol into the bloodstream, leading to anxiety attacks and depression symptoms, such as irritability/anger management issues.
We hope that this guide has helped you to prepare for your university entrance exam in Spain. Remember that there are many different types of tests, and the best way to succeed is by practicing as much as possible so that when it comes to the real thing, you feel confident and ready.