Madrid All Set For Week Of Easter Processions

School is out and today is the first part of Operacion Salida as Madrileños and families head to pueblos and the beach for the Easter break.

The DGT expect some 16.5 million car movements over the Easter period of which some 3.4 million are expected to be in the Madrid region.

In the capital Madrid´s Easter processions and other cultural events and activities will take centre stage.

This year Easter lasts from this Sunday 24th March ( Palm Sunday ) until Easter Sunday (March 31).

Both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are public holidays, whilst Easter Monday is a working day though there is no school until Tuesday 2nd April.

The centrepiece of Madrid´s Easter are its solemn religious processions through the historic quarter and below are the most important ones that must be seen to experience a Madrileño Easter!

La Borriquito procession starts at the Almudena Cathedral and Royal Palace, its path winds through Madrid´s heart until coming to a halt outside the Church of San Isidro, where it is blessed by clergy and then continues back to its starting point. It’s a beautiful sight to behold and is a great opportunity to witness some traditional Spanish culture.

Miércoles Santo marks the midpoint of Easter celebrations in Madrid with an evening procession which starts with the Archbishop of Madrid preforming the Stations of the Resurrection Vía Crucis ceremony. Following shortly after that is a remarkable veneration conducted by the Brotherhood of “Cruzados de la Fe”, who reverently remove their Christ icon Santísimo Cristo de la Fe from his resting place at Atocha 87 to perform a besapié – an act where his foot is kissed with much devotion.

Jueves Santo marks Maundy Thursday with a slow evening procession that winds its way through Madrid´s historic quarter. Between 7:30-8 PM, worshippers gather outside Calle Toledo 37 to witness a spectacular moment where “costaleros” bring out two statues from Colegiata de San Isidro—the Virgin Maria Santísima de la Esperanza and Jesús del Gran Poder. As they carefully maneuver their way through the main door with great effort, cheers and applause erupt from those watching in admiration!

The Tamborrada is Madrid´s signature Easter event with a unique musical programme of the Ciclo Música de Órgano, held at the Church of San Ginés (Arenal, 13) on Easter Sunday followed by the mass drumming that wrpectators are wowed by beautiful Saetas before gathering in the Plaza Mayor for the Tamborrada Maña which traditionally marks the end of the Easter celebration as drummers march to the iconic square to hail Christ’s resurrection.



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