Madrid Braced For Scorched Heatwave Weekend

Spain is bracing itself for its first heatwave of the summer this weekend with temperatures expected to top 40C in the Madrid region and reach as high as 50c in Andalucia, according to the Spanish meteorologist office, AEMET (Agencia Española de Meteorología).

The Madrid Health authorities have raised the weather warning from Level 1 to Level 2 “high alert” today, for the first time this year, as temperatures soar across the country and which are expected to last until next Monday.

The high alert warning gives specific advice to vulnerable members of the population such as the elderly and those with chronic illnesses to stay out of the direct heat and drink plenty of liquids.
Temperatures in some parts of southern and central Spain are forecast to be higher than the recent heatwave in North America which saw hundreds of sudden deaths reported.
Yellow and orange temperature alerts have also been issued in the autonomous communities of Aragon, Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Galicia, Murcia, Basque Country, La Rioja, Valencia, Canary Islands and Navarra.

After a dip in the low 20s at the end of June the customary “Madrid Oven” is expected to be in full flow by tomorow, Thursday July 8th.

By the weekend most of central and southern Spain is forecast to have temperatures in excess of 40C with little respite for the nights.
AEMET also recently warned, that this summer is likely to be hotter than the average, though short of the summer of 2017, which saw the “El Diablo” heatwave across southern Europe and hit Spain hard.Spain´s temperatures are seeing increasing extremes from the cold winters such as the Storm Filomena which hit Madrid in January, causing widespread disruption and damage and the dry desert like heat that hits the region in the summer months.The highest temperature recorded in Spain was on July 13th 2017 in the muncipality of Montoro near Cordoba in Andalucia which saw thermometre hit 47.3 C.

Temperatures are expected to dip once more from mid next week.

The Madrid regional health authorities have stressed the importance of keeping hidrated, and consuming plenty of liquids ( at least 2 litres of water for an adult) including foods with high liquid content such as fruit and salads.

Dr Isabel Romero, pediatric coordinator for leading Spanish healthcare provider HM Hospitales, stressed too, the importance of vigilance for playing children on the beach where jellyfish can be an unseen hazard, as well as in the countryside where insect bights and stings can be a scare for parents.


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