Gay Pride 2019 Kicks Off In Roasting Madrid
Crowds gather in the baking Madrid heat as Gay Pride 2019 kicks off in the capital. The epicentre as ever, Chueca as Madrileños and visitors alike prepare to celebrate the annual event that this year commemorates its Stonewall beginnings 50 years ago.
Madrid Pride, an event that is expected to draw nearly two million visitors from across the globe. Enjoyed by people of all ages, genders, sexualities, races and faiths, it is living proof that Madrid is an open, cosmopolitan and diverse city.
After the huge success of the WorldPride 2017, Madrid has become one of the best LGTBIQA+ destinations of the world. In 2019, it will be renowned Spanish singer Monica Naranjo who will kick off the festivities (3rd of July on Plaza de Pedro Zerolo) that in reality start a few days earlier, on the 28th of June. This year it will feature a programme packed with cultural and protest activities commemorating the 50thanniversary of the Stonewall riots, the spontaneous demonstrations which marked the start of the LGBT liberation movement.
The main parade held on the 6th of July (from Atocha to Plaza de Colón) is the keystone event of Pride. This year participants will march under the slogan Mayores sin armarios: ¡Historia, lucha y memoria! (The Elderly free of Closets: History, Struggle and Memory!).
2019 Madrid Pride activities
- Friday, 28 June: 50th STONEWALL ANNIVERSARY
- Friday, 28 June: PRIDE IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD: Malasaña, Barrio de Las Letras, Lavapiés and Chueca neighbourhoods host numerous events and activities to celebrate Pride
- Wednesday, 3 July: PRIDE OPENING CEREMONY: Marks the start of the Pride Celebrations and 5 days of free outdoor concerts, shows, parties, art, culture and sport
- Thursday, 4 July: HIGH-HEELED RACE
- Friday, 5 July: 12th EDITION OF MR. GAY PRIDE ESPAÑA. Featuring Melanie CMikolas Josef and Gloria Trevi!
- Saturday, 6 July: PRIDE PARADE: the main event of Pride, it goes through the city’s main streets, from Atocha to Colón
- Sunday 7 July: ELECTRO-QUEER. LOTIC + FACA + DJ HARAM: The Veranos de la Villa festival will dedicate an evening of music revolving around gender politics.
- Sunday, 7 July: MADO ‘19 CLOSING CEREMONY
Main photo: Ted Eytan “CARRERA DE TACONES” High Heel Race, Madrid Pride, Calle Pelayo 2015. Other photo: