American Club Of Madrid Celebtrates Virtual July 4th

The American Club of Madrid is celebrating a subdued July 4th this year due to ongoing health concerns.

Club President Michael H  Brian said that “safety should come first given our present situation and the presence of Covid-19″.

However he went on to send an Independence Day message to the wider club followers in Madrid to say that ” As president, however, I did not want this occasion to pass by without reaching out to all. The 4th is an important day during which we celebrate the incredible foundations and values our country holds so high. This 4th should not be an exception, as we should take a minute to honor those who have lost dear ones to the virus, have lost their jobs, or are still struggling with the uncertainty reigning around us all and not being able to travel to see family in the U.S”

The American Club of Madrid is one of the capital´s oldest international networking and social clubs dating back to the 1952 when Madrid hosted a large United States military presence in the country. Today the much changed club boasts a vibrant calendar of events throughout the year including monthly ” happy hours”, business events and a flagship blacktie fundraising gala which since 2012 has included the Premio Puente award which ” recognizes entities and individuals dedicated to excellence whose work strengthens the ties and relationships between Spain and the United States, whether on a corporate, philanthropic, diplomatic, humanitarian, artistic or scientific level.”

In 2019 the recipient was  MD Anderson Cancer Center Spain.

The 2020 Gala is expected for October and details will be announced.

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