Couple Buried In Huesca Mountain Snowdrift Rescued

The Spanish weather meteorological agency AEMET  has issued alerts for snow in much of central and northern Spain where Arctic conditions are already causing havoc.

In northern Spain a couple were rescued from being buried alive in their 4X4 SUV by a freak blizzard .

The pair had been driving through the Sierra de Guara mountains near Huesca in Aragon, on 8th December when they were trapped by the storm.

Footage recorded by a Civil Guard mountain rescue team on skis shows the car almost buried in a huge snowdrift.

The snow has engulfed the front of the car and at the sides it has already reached the windows and the road through the Plana Canal pass has disappeared in the storm.

As the rescuers pull open a rear door, one of the two people inside can be seen while the guides tell the they’re going to walk them to safety.

Later footage shows the two trapped travellers trudging through deep snow in winter shoes and using their rescuers’ ski poles for support.

The pair, a 26-year-old woman and a man aged 30, had called for help after realising that the snow was so intense they could not go back or forwards.

Rescuers say eight people have been saved from remote mountain cabins and trapped cars during the blizzard.

Parts of northern Spain have been out on a severe weather red alert after 40cm (16 inches) dropped in a single storm closing 68 roads.





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