“El Gordo” Christmas Lottery Brings Seasonal Cheer Across Spain

The world’s oldest and most famous lottery delivered big to day with some 2.5 billion Euros won across Spain today.

Winners celebrated ‘El Gordo,’ Shared the top prize, with the winning number 05490, being sold in 30 provinces across Spain.

Holders of a €20 ticket will receive €400,000 before tax

The winning number gives out €400,000  to winning holders of €20 tickets, which are known as décimos.

The Christmas Lottery, every number is divided into 10 identical segments, décimos, costing €20 each.

The numbers are also divided into series, to give some 1,600 tickets with the same number sold at lottery sale points across the country.

The second prize went to the number 04074, which will distribute €125,000 to each décimo holder.

People who brought shares of the third prize number, 45250, will get €50,000 for every décimo.

As in 2020 and 2021, the winners who receive prizes of under €40,000 will not need to pay taxes on it.


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