Madrid Biz Lunch Set For February 17th

The first Madrid Biz Lunch of 22 will take place on Thursday 17th February 2022 at 2pm in the Library of the Irish Rover, Avenida de Brasil.

The speaker will be Javier Casquero, Head of International at HM Hospitals who many will remember as being the proposed speaker for our last pre-pandemic lunch in March 2020.

It is fitting therefore that he is our first speaker back and will be talking to us on the topic: “Pandemic to Endemic”

As always the format of welcome drink followed by enhanced menu lunch then speaker and questions.

Networking at the bar for those that dont have offices to go to!


Starters to share

  • Ensalada caprese con tapenade y aceite de albahaca
  • Tataki de atún con noodles y verduras
  • Guiso marinero de pochas con calamar

Mains to choose

  • Costilla de cerdo a baja temperatura a la finas hierbas
  • Dorada a la limeña con arroz salvaje
  • Entrecot con patatas panadera y pimientos de padrón

Dessert to choose

  • Brownie
  • Crepes rellenos de frambuesa

Served with generous quantities of wine.

Early bird price of 25 EUR or 28 EUR on the day.

Reservations to:

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