Madrid Scouts Charity Christmas Show

The 1st Madrid Scouts will be staging a special fundraising performance of the 12 Days Of Christmas this Saturday 16th December.
The Christmas show will feature participants from the scout troop with their own rendition of the seasonal favourite, the 12 Days Of Christmas at St George´s School, Sanchinarro.
Scout leader, Catherine Fenton, praised the Group saying: “In only 3 sessions we have coached our young people through devising, acting and performing.”
“In Scouts we don’t look for perfection but aim to give young people the chance to take risks in a friendly, supportive environment and have fun in the process.
She went on to say that the Scouts ” foster a sense of giving back to the community” which is why the Explorers chose the charity Ningún Niño Sin Sonrisa, as the show´s fundraising beneficiary.
“We would love you to join us and help us make a difference to disadvantaged children this Christmas”.
The show starts at 5.30pm in the theatre of St George´s School at Calle de los Padres Dominicos 1 where seasonal goodies and cakes will be on sale to help raise funds.
Tickets on the door with donation.
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