Madrid Neighbourhoods Top Spain´s Highest Earners
Madrid has the highest income and the lowest unemployment in the country, according to a new report published by the National Institute of Statistics which shows a clear division between living conditions in the north and south of Spain.
The Madrid neighbourhoods of El Viso (€40,815), Recoletos (€37,067), and Castellana (€36,660) head the list while the lowest incomes are to be found in Polígono Sur in Seville (€5,816) and Los Pajaritos and Amate (€6,043) in Murcia.
The other towns at the bottom of the list are Barbate (Cadiz), Alhaurín el Grande (Malaga), Adra (Almeria), Isla Cristina (Huelva), Almoradí (Alicante), Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cadiz) and Torrevieja (Alicante).
The Urban Indicators report by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), published this Monday, which uses data from the average annual net income per inhabitant in 2020 also shows that Madrid´s economy has grown more than any other of Spain´s 17 autonomous regions.
According to this study, which adapts the content of the European project Urban Audit to the national level, aiming to provide information on living conditions in the main cities of the EU and candidate countries, 10 out of the 15 wealthiest neighborhoods in Spain are in Madrid, four in Barcelona, and one in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The other top earning neighbourhoods of the capital are Piovera (fourth with 36,045 euros), Nueva España (fifth with 34,317 euros), Almagro (sixth with 33,101 euros), Aravaca-El Plantío-Valdemarín (tenth with 30,073 euros), Palomas (eleventh with 29,573 euros), Niño Jesús-Los Jerónimos (twelfth with 28,864 euros), and Hispanoamérica (thirteenth with 28,417 euros).
The top neighbourhoods in Barcelona are Les Tres Torres (seventh with 32,958 euros), Pedralbes (eighth with 32,462 euros), Sant Gervasi-Galvany oest (ninth with 30,407 euros), and Sant Gervasi-la Bonanova (fourteenth with 28,284 euros), and in Vitoria, it is Armentía (fifteenth with 27,499 euros).
Of the fifteen with the lowest income, six are in Seville, three in Córdoba, two in Alicante, two in Madrid, one in Málaga, and one in Murcia.
Front image credit: djedj