Spain’s Newest University Opens In Madrid

The Madrid regional premier, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, has opened Spain’s newest university at a ceremony in Pozuelo de Alarcón.

ESIC University, formerly ESIC business school, had been a highly regarded private business school, was given its university status in 2020.

The university specialises in marketing, with over 30,000 students in its 9 campuses in Spain as well educational programmes across the globe.

In her inauguration speech the premier called for an “open and flexible” educational system that does not hinder the private sector.

She also repeated her pledge to ensure that Madrid will become a reference point for university learning in Spanish, coming a week after she launched the Oficina del Español Initiative to promote Madrid as a destination for the learning of Spanish for foreign students.

ESIC was founded in 1965 by a religious order known as the Priests of the Sacred Heart to train business professionals.

It has more than 32,000 alumni students and offers different programs of education, such as Bachelor’s, Master’s, Postgraduate Courses and Executive Education.

ESIC’s master’s course in Marketing and Sales Management (GESCO), is presently ranked as 1st in Spain in the Marketing category by the El Mundo newspaper.

In addition the school organises an annual  ‘Hoy es Marketing‘ which brings together practioners, academics and students to discuss the latest trends in the sector.

The university campus will be holding an open day tomorow, Thursday 23rd September: INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION


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